On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:18:10 -0400, in alt.usenet.kooks, "Dr. Hook,
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioOn Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:14:36 -0400, in alt.usenet.kooks, "Dr. Hook,
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioOn Fri, 26 Sep 2008 00:20:19 -0700, in alt.usenet.kooks, "Dr. Hook,
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioOn Thu, 25 Sep 2008 20:53:43 -0700, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioOn Thu, 25 Sep 2008 15:47:30 -0400, in alt.usenet.kooks, "Goldwater
Post by AratzioOn Thu, 25 Sep 2008 14:41:37 -0400, in alt.usenet.kooks, "Goldwater
Post by Goldwater World OrderPost by Milhouse GPost by AratzioOn Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:50:08 -0400, in alt.usenet.kooks,
Post by Milhouse GOn Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:58:18 +0000 (UTC), in
denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions,
If you elect Obama, I will do what it takes to destroy
don't deserve to live if we elect the retarded obama.
Crossposted to the relevant group.
Hey, 'bout time you showed up. Dink was missing you.
Nice to know I can disappear for years at a stretch and the
bastard doesn't forget. *sniffle* I feel so...well, creeped
Ol' "I'm a terrorist in the name of patriotism" up there
AUK-worthy at a glance. It's not every day someone is stupid
to risk the MIB's just for the sake of 'winning' a political
on a rasslin newsgroup.
Well, it is a rasslin' newsgroup, you were expecting incisive
commentary dealing with the political fallout over the current
economic and republican lying situations?
It's there if you're willing to look for it.
Wading through the garbage dump to find the 1/2 sandwich you didn't
eat last week.
You're right, it's better to complain that something doesn't
then say it's not worth it when it's pointed out to you.
This is typical of the AUK crowd. Making generalizations about RSPW
the handful of vocal idiots they are familiar with.
Really, discussion of pro rasslin' requires such finely tuned debating
skills, knowledge of local, national and world socio-economic data and
referentials based upon current polical climate.
Hrmm, no response.
It really doesn't deserve one. You have demonstrated your ignorance about
what is discussed on RSPW. We can therefore conclude than your assertations
are baseless and can be ignored.
Ah, so the simple yes or no was too difficult and the long winded
excuse would have to suffice.
Yep, quite the logicians you RSPW poster are.
"You RSPW poster are." You sure showed us, Yoda. Suck at this you do.
A fan of pro rasslin' whining and laming over my mangling of English.
Now that is what I call irony.
Not whining, young padawan. Laughing. You're the one who was questioning our
intellect, remember.
A single mangled sentence will forever in your *mind* define the
intellectual superiority of RSPW. Not uncommon when one is grasping
for a straw.
Putting words in my mouth again I see. "Intellectual superiority"? No.
However there are more than enough posters here to disprove the implication
that we are all the hayseed chewing 'rasslin fan' you seem so keen to imply
is permeating the group to the point that you cannot find anything but.
The point shall remain RSPW and intelligent discussion of current
"Wading through the garbage dump to find the 1/2 sandwich you
didn't eat last week."
Unless you have evidence contrary that concludes the general tone of
the commentary rises above the standard usenet level?
"We had a discussion and no one called anyone else a pencil necked
geek" won't quite rise to the level you want to believe.
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioAs to whether I questioned your intellect, no, cupcake,
I'm sorry, I guess I must have mistook your ringing endorsement of "Well, it
is a rasslin' newsgroup, you were expecting incisive commentary" as a
criticism of our capacity for intellectual discussion.
Post by AratzioI questioned
whether there is connection between pro rasslin and the "debating
skills, knowledge of local, national and world socio-economic data and
referentials based upon current polical climate."
A point you have avoided twice.
Your point has no bearing on my points, so I think I'll continue to avoid
it, thanks.
It was the point to which you objected and when it was pointed out the
flailing of your own position, THEN you began avoiding, laming and
declaring "I is smarder cuz you engrish is bad".
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioPost by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioPost by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioPost by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioHow do you determine whether a poster in RSPW is imported or home
I consider anyone who started their Usenet career using RSPW as their home
group (as far as can be reasonably ascertained) an RSPW original. Most of
the trash on this group has been imported as a result of years of cross
posting to other groups. I don't deny that the RSPW has brought its current
state upon itself, but to call many of the worst posters 'RSPW home grown'
is to be disingenuous.
no, you don't have a clue how usenet works.
See how much easier direct answers work than obfuscation and flummery.
You troll like a blind man paints.
Like Esref Armagan. Fuck, I am much better than even I imagined. Maybe
you could use "like a deaf composer" next time.
I'm glad you had fun Googling that example.
So, you were too stupid to know that there are "blind painters" in the
world and it is a failing I had to look up the specific name of
someone whose work has been displayed at the DeYoung Museum.
I'm just a 'rasslin fan', remember.
So was my googling for a name of an artist I already knew about a good
thing or, as you implied, a bad/suspect thing.
Pointing out your analogy being less than well thought out might be
considered evidence of the level of discourse in RSPW.
:Wading through the garbage dump to find the 1/2 sandwich you
:didn't eat last week.
:> You're right, it's better to complain that something doesn't
:> exist and then say it's not worth it when it's pointed out to you.
You starting to see the error of you position? Pointing out the less
than stellar abilities wrt discussion in a newsgroup is easily
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioPost by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioPost by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerYou should stay on RSPW a while. Take some lessons.
Would that include the proper manner of blithering, avoiding questions
and proper use of lames as a means of deflection?
You could use improvement in all of those areas, if your attempts in this
thread are anything to judge by.
OH GOODY, Pee Wee Herman is in the house. Quite the slam there,
cupcake: "I know you are but what am I?".
Yer stoopid, I smard Lame: Check
I think you're projecting, young padawan.
Really? Would you care to point out which of the varied lames (the
snipped ones especially) of which I would have been guilty? You do
know that would be a requirement for your non sequitur to actually
have a basis in fact?
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioEnglish Lame: Check
One of the pitfalls of implying you're smarter than others is making sure
you don't look stupid in the process. You failed.
"You mangled a sentence, you stupid, HAR HAR"
Quite the refutation of the actual statement. Unless you wish to claim
you could not understand what had been written?
Post by Dr. Hook, line and sinkerPost by AratzioIKYABWAI Lame: Check
I'll cop to that, but it looks like I didn't need anything better.
Ah, the I posted therefore I declare I win scenario. Do continue a
most fascinating and self aggrandizing route you are taking.